Every day, we experience the mind's influence on the body. The thought of an impending deadline can make our heart race, while the thought of a favorite food can make us salivate. Yet, claims about that influence are often met with skepticism. Our mission is to help shift the dominant paradigm toward viewing the mind as integrated and central in health.
Change your mindset, change the game | Dr. Alia Crum
Lab News
Better Believe It
Stanford Magazine's December 2022 covers story profiles Alia Crum and the work of the Mind & Body Lab
December 01, 2022
Reframing Your Reality
As a guest on the Hidden Brain podcast, Dr. Crum discusses how mindsets shape our lives in subtle but profound ways
July 18, 2022
Mindsets formed at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic predict well-being several months later, Stanford psychologists find
Mindsets developed in the first 10 days of the COVID-19 pandemic influenced people’s emotions and health behaviors – and ultimately predicted their well-being six months later, Sta
April 27, 2022