Current Courses Taught by Dr. Crum
Dr. Crum is actively teaching the following courses at Stanford University (view complete list of courses offered by Psychology Department here)
Psych 1: Introduction to Psychology
An introduction to the science of how people think, feel, and behave. We will explore such topics as intelligence, perception, memory, happiness, personality, culture, social influence, development, emotion, and mental illness. Students will learn about classic and cutting edge research, a range of methods, and discover how psychology informs our understanding of what it means to be human, addresses other fields, and offers solutions to important social problems. Psych 1 fulfills the SI Way, and, effective Autumn 2018, the SMA Way. For more information on PSYCH 1, visit http://psychone.stanford.edu. Please note that section assignments will be done through Canvas in the first week of class.
Psych 195: Special Laboratory Projects in the Mind & Body Lab
Independent Study. May be repeated for credit or for grade. Prerequisites: 1, 10, and consent of instructor.
For more information on independent study courses in the psychology department, click here.
Previous Courses Taught by Dr. Crum
Psych 20N: How Beliefs Create Reality (Stanford University)
Psych 70: Introduction to Social Psychology (Stanford University)
Psych 298: Advanced Studies in Health Psychology (Stanford University)
Managerial Negotiations (Columbia Business School)
Interpersonal Dynamics (Yale School of Management)